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Amazing brown horse.

FREE listing for Horse Related Sites in East Texas!!

Fill in the blanks below to add your site.

For those of you located outside of the East Texas area, we’ll be happy to add you to our general links page!

We do restrict additions to clean, “child safe”, horse related sites located in the East Texas area, and will review each before adding.

All we ask is a link be placed on your site back to East Texas Horses first!

Simply add a link on your site to East Texas Horses – fill out the form below and send!

Your site will be added as soon as we verify East Texas Horses link in on your site.

If you only want a TEXT LINK and no banner, This is your code:

<a href=””>East Texas Horses</a> – Your One Stop Web Site to Horse Related Sites in East Texas

OR you can use your choice of banners.

Save one of the graphics below and use the code shown under the graphic:

#1 Banner and Code

Banner 1.

<a href=””><img border=”0″ width=”250″ height=”128″ src=”etexhorsebanner.jpg” alt=”East Texas Horses”></a>

#2 Banner and Code

Banner 2.

<a href=””><img border=”0″ width=”250″ height=”89″ src=”etexhorsebanner2.jpg” alt=”East Texas Horses”></a>

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Location of your operations
Any location outside of East Texas will go on the general Links Page
This WILL BE verfied before adding your link
Please be brief – let folks go to your website to see what you have to offer!